- c. 585 BCE - c. 525 BCE
- Miletus, Ionia (present-day Turkey)
- Epistemologist, metaphysician
- Anaximenes was a Greek philosopher who was a member of the Milesian School and a contemporary of Anaximander and Thales of Miletus. He is known for his contributions to the fields of metaphysics and cosmology. Anaximenes believed in a single, ultimate reality that he referred to as "air," which he believed was the source of all things and could transform into other forms.
- Anaximenes is known for his belief in the concept of "air" as the ultimate reality and the source of all things. He also made important contributions to the field of cosmology and is credited with the development of the concept of atmospheric pressure.
- Anaximander Anaximander was a predecessor and mentor of Anaximenes and a member of the Milesian School.
- Thales of Miletus Thales of Miletus was a mentor and predecessor of Anaximenes and the founder of the Milesian School.
- Air: Anaximenes believed in a single, ultimate reality that he referred to as "air," which he believed was the source of all things and could transform into other forms.